Grants for Research, Development & Commercialization

AI For Manufacturing Challenge

Amount: 35% of total eligible project costs reimbursed

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Alliance Advantage

Amount: from $20,000 to $1 million per year

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Regional Opportunities Investment Tax Credit

Amount: 10% refundable tax credit

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Critical Minerals Infrastructure Fund (CMIF) – Canadian Sustainable Development Grant

Amount: up to $50 million and $100 million per project for nongovernmental applicants and provincial & territorial governments respectively.

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Tourism Growth Program – Tourism Industry Loan for Southern Ontario

Amount: up to a maximum of $250,000 per project.

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The Protection and Risk Resilience: Plant Health Designated Program

Deadline: the designated Program will end on March 31, 2028.

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The Protection and Risk Resilience: Plant Health Designated Program

Deadline: the designated Program will end on March 31, 2028.

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The Protection and Risk Resilience: One Health, Food Safety and Animal Health Designated Program

Deadline: the designated Program will end on March 31, 2028.

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The Indigenous Agriculture and Food Development and Growth Designated Program

Deadline: the designated Program will end on March 31, 2028.

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The Business Assessment Designated Program

Deadline: the Program will end on March 31, 2028.

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The Productivity Designated Program

Deadline: the Program will end on March 31, 2028.

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The Supply Chain Resiliency Designated Program

Deadline: the designated Program will end on March 31, 2028.

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The Interprovincial Research Collaboration Designated Program

Deadline: the Program will end on March 31, 2028.

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The Science, Research, Innovation and Commercialization Designated Program

Deadline: the designated Program will end on March 31, 2028.

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The Environmental Stewardship Designated Program

Deadline: the Program will end on March 31, 2028.

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The Resilient Agricultural Landscape Designated Program

Deadline: the designated Program will end on March 31, 2028.

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Food Processing Growth Fund

Amount: up to 75% of eligible costs up to a maximum of $1,000,000.

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Space Technology Development Program (STDP) – Temporarily Unavailable

Amount: Varies depending on the Request for Proposal

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AgriScience Program

Amount: less than $5 million over five-years.

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Collaborative Research and Development Projects

Amount: Up to 50% of eligible costs to a maximum of $600,000 for approved R&D Projects.

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Market Access Initiative (Temporarily Unavailable)

Amount: 75% cost-share funding of total eligible costs, to a maximum of either $20,000 or $30,000 cost-share per project depending on project category.

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Rural Innovation Initiative Eastern Ontario (RIIEO) REGIONAL STREAM (Temporarily Unavailable)

Amount: Selected projects will be eligible for a non-repayable performance-based contribution and require a minimum 50 percent cash contribution by the recipient on eligible expenses net of HST. The minimum project size for an Eastern Ontario Innovation Initiative regional stream project is $200,000 resulting in a minimum contribution of $100,000 by the recipient.

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Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) – Government Grant and Loan for Technology Research and Development and Large-Scale R&D-based Expansion

Amount: up to 50% of eligible costs

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Automotive Supplier Innovation Program (ASIP)

Amount: Up to $10,000,000.

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Ontario Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit (OIDMTC)

Amount: Up to $100,000

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Scientific Research & Experimental Development Tax Credit (SR&ED)

Amount: Up to $3,000,000

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Canadian Agricultural Partnership – CAP

Amount: Funding 75% up to a maximum of $75,000

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SMART Program FedNor Assessments – Northern Ontario

Amount: $15,000

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Advanced Manufacturing Fund (AMF) – Closed

This program is temporarily unavailable.

Amount: $10,000,000 – $20,000,000, greater or lower amounts are subject to the approval. Repayable

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Eastern Ontario Development Program (EODP)

Amount: $100,000

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