Deadline: the designated Program will end on March 31, 2028.

The purpose of the Supply Chain Resiliency Designated Program is to identify and address ongoing agri-food sector supply chain vulnerabilities and support an efficient, secure and responsive food supply.

Eligible Activities

The following activities are eligible to be undertaken under the Supply Chain Resiliency Designated Program, including any Initiative established thereunder:

  1. Infrastructure and Capital Items that improve food supply chain resiliency, including cybersecurity, cold storage chain and capacity and irrigation infrastructure;
  2. Promotional activities related to local food that support food supply chain resiliency;
  3. Educational activities aimed at improving supply chain resiliency and local food literacy;
  4. Supply chain audits and assessments;
  5. Development and promotion of tools which empower businesses and consumers to connect with food producers and processors;
  6. Enhanced integration of data collection and analytics to better predict, mitigate and respond to supply chain vulnerabilities, including through technology mapping;
  7. Food-supply related activities, strengthening supply chain resilience, addressing local food and labour challenges to provide better co-ordination and sharing of best practices, including in remote and Indigenous communities;
  8. Diversification of products and/or processes in the agri-food supply chain, including adoption of innovative practices;
  9. Equipment or inputs needed to respond to changing consumer demands, changing climate and/or weather, changing pest conditions or reduced productive capacity;
  10. Communicating success stories that build public trust and improve understanding of the Sector’s successes related to supply chain resiliency; and
  11. Any activity set out in:
    1. A Recipient’s Transfer Payment Agreement or a Vendor’s Service Level Agreement, or
    2. Any Designated Program Guidelines for the Supply Chain Resiliency Designated Program or any Initiative Guidelines for any Initiative established under the Supply Chain Resiliency Designated Program,

provided that activity falls within the purpose of the Supply Chain Resiliency Designated Program.

Eligible Persons

The following are eligible to participate in the Supply Chain Resiliency Designated Program, including any Initiative established thereunder:

    1. Primary Producers;
    2. Processors;
    3. Industry Organizations;
    4. Research Bodies;
    5. Retailer/Wholesalers;
    6. Service Providers;
    7. P/T/M Governments; and
    8. Indigenous Peoples.