Fund Management and Grant Administration

Over the past 11 years, Fair Grant Writing has been on the client’s side for the fund management and grant administration process. We learned all the hurdles the applicants face when it comes to finding funding guidelines, filling out the application form, and communicating with the funder.

We also realize that the lack of a clear, simple, and auditable application intake, assessment, and audit process is extremely frustrating for the funders. The time and labour to assess each application take an enormous amount of time and people’s energy and staffing your organization with qualified and experienced reviewers is a huge challenge. And sifting through hundreds of ineligible applications only adds frustration and time waste to your staff.

We offer seamless third-party fund management and grant administration services to:

  • Government Agencies at all levels of government
  • Grant-giving Not-For-Profit Organizations that manage government or private grants
  • Large Corporations to support their Corporate Social Responsibility Funds
  • Charities
  • Family Offices
  • Angel Investors
  • Venture Funds

Scope of Work: Fund Management and Grant Administration

We help your organization establish, manage, and report on your grant or funding program. The scope of work includes but is not limited to the following activities.

  • Fund or Program Planning.
  • Developing Eligibility Rules.
  • Intake Process and Forms design.
  • Selection and implementation of the intake tools (grant management software, forms).
  • Developing Application Guidelines, Client-Facing documentation, and content (FAQs, web pages, video tutorials, etc).
  • Developing application evaluation methodology.
  • Ongoing applications evaluation, or training your staff to evaluate applications.
  • Approval recommendations.
  • Facilitating agreements between applicants and funders.
  • Project monitoring for the successful applicants.
  • Maintaining program communications and records for audit.
  • Program audit and audit support.


We offer a flexible Per Application pricing model. You typically get two quotes: one for an eligibility check and the other one for a full assessment of your applicants. The above quotes will include all of the above activities.

If it is more convenient for you, we can also offer project (hourly) pricing or a percent of the funding your organization distributes.

Contact us today to discuss how we can help you manage your grant program smoothly and cost-effectively.