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Ontario Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit (OIDMTC)

Amount: Up to $100,000 ...

Good News! Export Funding Programs Are Back!

Finally, export funding programs are back after being on hold for almost 2 months. So, if you are interested in going to international trade shows, hiring export manager, export market entry planning and some other export-import related activities for your business, pay attention to the following...

8 Manufacturing & Technology Shows Must Attend in 2015. Register in advance!

The busy time of trade shows is coming. So, I decided to remind you what events you can attend in the nearest future. You still have enough time to register and take advantage of them. Also, I personally will be happy to see you there as Fair Grant Writing is going to participate as...

SMART Program – Southern Ontario

Amount: $15,000 ...

[Tricky eligibility criteria] Drill Down to Eligibility Criteria to Make Sure You Qualify

Do not let anybody or anything deceive you. Neither on April 1st, nor any other day. Sometimes eligibility criteria of Government programs look very attractive and one may consider one’s business eligible....

[Just Announced] New Funding for Exporters

It was brought to our attention that Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) no longer accepts applications for grants for trade shows, trade missions and export market research. Some our clients were impacted and no explanation from OCC followed. ...

Scientific Research & Experimental Development Tax Credit (SR&ED)

Amount: Up to $3,000,000 ...

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Go Green with the Government Funding!

 Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Enjoy this holiday and go green! Today it’s a very good opportunity to talk about green Government programs for Ontario businesses. The most popular one is Save on Energy. It includes incentives for: ...

10 Most Common Reasons Why Government Grant Applications Are Declined

I’ve recently read a research article called “To Apply or Not to Apply: A Survey Analysis of Grant Writing Costs and Benefits” by Ted and Courtney von Hippel. The authors took a scientific approach to find out how much effort it takes to write a government grant application and...

Avoid This Mistake if You Want to Apply for Government Funding

I constantly come across growing businesses. They hire new people, adopt advanced technologies and equipment, invest in their communities and do good for the country. But sometimes it happens that the growth becomes limited by the existing business entity. For example, if one is in the business...