Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant (CSJG)
Amount: $10,000 per trainee up to a maximum of $100,000 per applicant
Canada-Nova Scotia Job Grant – Workplace Innovation and Productivity Skills Incentive (WIPSI)
Amount: $10,000 per trainee up to a maximum of $100,000 per applicant
Canada-Manitoba Job Grant (CMJG)
Amount: $10,000 per trainee, with maximum of up to $100,000
[2017 Ontario Budget] What Will Your Business Get?
As you may have heard, last week the Ontario Government announced its budget for the 2017-2018 fiscal year. Let me highlight the most important commitments and how they impact provincial government funding programs for businesses. Should you have any questions on any of the programs or want to...
A Grant Writing Mentor Works
With over 20,000 hours of grant writing experience, Igor Chigrin, a grant writing mentor, works with your business to help the owners and executives find and select the right government grants and loans. Then the mentor works with your small to medium-sized business to help you write an application...
[Joint Open House] Visit Equipment Distibutors on Apr 25-26, 2017
Let me share with you some information about upcoming events. On April 25-26 from 9 am to 6 pm (next week) you will have a great opportunity to attend a 12th Annual Joint Open House Event in Mississauga and Oakville, Ontario, organized for you by 4 equipment distributors. You’ll be able to...
[Now up to 15K] How Skills Training Funding Changed This Fiscal Year
As we recently announced, the Canada Ontario Job Grant (COJG) program, the funding program for skills training, has been extended. However, the program rules changed a little bit. We summarized the changes for you below. The changes are effective April 1, 2017.
British Columbia Training Grant program
Amount: up to $20,000 per trainee, with maximum of $300,000 per fiscal year
Canada-Alberta Job Grant (CAJG)
Amount: $15,000 per trainee up to a maximum of $300,000 per applicant
Now Hiring? Get Funding!
Happy New Government Fiscal Year! As we mentioned in our last message about the new budget, hiring youth is a priority for the Canadian Government this fiscal year starting April 1, 2017. There are many hiring and wage subsidy programs available now, but there will be more within next few...