What is the impact of the provincial budget delay?

Usually, this time of the year, the Federal and provincial governments work on the budgets. And usually, those budgets are released in late March. But this time, something went wrong. The Ontario government decided to postpone the budget release date by a month. What does it mean for business funding?

1) All existing provincially-funded programs will not renew until May, 2022, except Southwestern Ontario Development Fund and Eastern Ontario Development Fund that have pre-defined intake periods.

2) All possible new funding programs, including pandemic support, will not start until May, 2022.

However, these delays should not discourage you from actively searching for funding for your business because there are Federal government funding programs, and some provincial grants are still available.

Need help with this or other government funding programs but don’t know where to start or how to prepare an application?

Fill out Eligibility Check form at http://www.fgwinc.ca/eligibility to find out.