We are happy to announce that Ontario Automotive Modernization Program (OAMP) will start accepting applications on November 15, 2021, and has increased its maximum amount of funding to $150K, compared to the previous amount of $100K.

This program supports projects in the following categories: technology adoption, tools and technologies to support new product development, lean manufacturing.

Main eligibility requirements include:

  • be a for-profit business (with a business number)
  • have less than 500 employees in Ontario
  • have less than $1 billion in global revenues
  • have at least two years of financial statements
  • at least 50% of the company’s total sales revenue comes from the auto supply sector
  • must have a manufacturing location in Ontario by the time your project starts

Start date: November 15, 2021

Need help with this or other government funding programs but don’t know where to start or how to prepare an application?

Fill out the Eligibility Check form at http://www.fgwinc.ca/eligibility to find out.