Today’s news about the nationwide outage of the Rogers network and its impact on businesses reminded me how vulnerable we are to the events like this and how our businesses depend on technology.

It also prompted me to remind you that a nationwide grant can help your business become more digitally resilient. It is called Canada Digital Adoption Program. It pays 90% of the cost of the digital assessments up to a maximum of $15K.

Digital Assessment identifies your business’ digital strengths and weaknesses across several parameters, such as strategy, business model, products and services, customer experience, operations, technology, organization and cybersecurity. It will then outline clear and actionable plan how to address weaknesses including a list of specific digital technologies (e.g. software, hardware) your business needs to implement.

Need help with this or other government funding programs but don’t know where to start or how to prepare an application?

Fill out Eligibility Check form at to find out.