Amount: 50% of eligible costs up to a maximum of $150,000

Goal of the Program

The Ontario Automotive Modernization Program (O-AMP) is a partnership with small- and medium-sized automotive parts suppliers in Ontario.

The goal is to help modernize Ontario’s automotive supply chain to make it more competitive and responsive to the changing needs of its customers.

Eligibility Criteria of Ontario Automotive Modernization Program (OAMP)

  • Small- and medium-sized Ontario-based enterprises (firms with fewer than 500 employees globally AND global revenues of less than $1 billion) with a Business Number (BN).
  • Larger companies are eligible; however, they must partner with at least one Ontario-based small- or medium-sized enterprise.
  • Must be in the automotive supply chain to original equipment manufacturers.
  • At least 50 per cent of the company’s total sales revenue must come from the automotive supply sector.
  • Must be a for-profit business (legal entity) registered to carry out business in Ontario.
  • Must have a manufacturing location in Ontario by the time the project starts.
  • Must have a minimum of two (2) years of financial statements.
  • Must be in substantial compliance with all applicable laws.
  • Must be free and clear of any fees, levies, charges or taxes owed to Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario or any of her agencies.
  • Must be in compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005.

Eligible Cost of Ontario Automotive Modernization Program (OAMP)

  • Salaries and benefits: Incremental salary and benefits for employees of the company working on the project activities, to a maximum specified in the funding agreement with the Ministry (position and employment status must be specified).
  •  Capital Costs:
    o Hardware and software implementation, installation, and setup costs.
    o Cost of direct materials, necessary for specifically identified activities and measured as having been used for, the completion of the project
    o Materials used for configuring, testing production processes, systems, and training employees.
  • Training Costs:
    o Cost involved in providing personnel with training and/or development in novel techniques required for the project for their role(s).
    o Sub-contractor and consultant fees (must be associated with LEAN Mentorship).
  • Travel and Living: Travel costs are explicitly project related, represent the most economical option (economy fare, and standard hotel room).

Eligible OAMP Projects

  • Technology adoption – for example, using advanced manufacturing hardware, software and/or training to improve processes and competitiveness. This might include using logistical systems and investing in production hardware or software that digitize production tracking
  • Lean manufacturing – for example, improving operational efficiency and competitiveness by using lean manufacturing techniques or hiring the services of a mentor/consultant to help with lean implementation

Eligibility Timeline

Application opening: March 27, 2024.

Application deadline: May 2, 2024.

Review Timeline

The program will assess and make a decision regarding the application within 60 business days of the application deadline.

Reimbursement Schedule

A final report including results of the project, achievement of key performance metrics, proof of expenditures, financial attestations, job status, and a request for disbursement will be required upon project completion. A successful applicant must submit its final report within thirty (30) days of project completion in order to be reimbursed for expenses incurred for eligible project costs.

Program’s Budget

$5.5 to $12 million per intake.

Selection Criteria

Applications are evaluated on their overall merits and reviewed against targeted results within the scope of O-AMP’s objectives.

The review committee may request presentations and site visits from an applicant to help evaluate your project proposal.

How to Start My Application

Start by verifying your eligibility through our eligibility check form.

Ontario Map

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