Amount: up to a maximum of $15,000 per trainee


Workplace Skills Training program (SkillsPEI) offers to train new or existing employees who lack the skills required in your business and allows employer to determine which type of training is required. SkillsPEI can contribute up to 50% of the direct training costs. Up to a maximum of $10,000 per trainee, or $15,000 for training an unemployed participant.

Eligibility Criteria: Workplace Skills Training (Skills PEI)

Eligible employers include:

  • Registered private sector business
  • Organization acting on behalf of a group of employers (e.g. employer consortia, industry associations and sector council businesses)
  • Band/tribal councils

Eligible Cost: Workplace Skills Training (Skills PEI)

  • Tuition Fees/Training Fees
  • Mandatory Student Fees
  • Textbooks, software and or required materials
  • Examination Fees

Our Focus:

  • Writing Application for Workplace Skills Training (Skills PEI)
  • Writing Trainee Registration forms for Skills PEI
  • Assisting in Report Writing

Examples of Projects Funded by Workplace Skills Training (Skills PEI):


Workplace Skills Training (Skills PEI)There is no publicly available information on the award of Workplace Skills Training (Skills PEI). Stay tuned for updates.