Amount: up to 50 percent of eligible costs with up to 10 million per project.


The Jobs and Growth Fund is an interest-free loan covering up to 50% of eligible costs and intended to provide funding to businesses and organizations to help create jobs and position local economies for long-term growth. The Fund, delivered by Canada’s regional development agencies (RDAs), provides $700 million nationally over three years, which includes up to $70 million dedicated to businesses created after January 2020 that meet eligibility criteria.

Eligibility Criteria


  • Businesses, including co-operatives.
  • Indigenous-led organizations and/or businesses are strongly encouraged to apply. Under the initiative, RDAs may contribute up to 100 percent of eligible project costs for projects with Indigenous clients.

Eligible Activities


  • Support the development and adoption of clean technology.
  • Support the development or adoption of digital and technological solutions (i.e., Industry 4.0 solutions) to increase and promote business productivity.
  • Invest in technologies that help scale businesses, enhance their capabilities and increase resilience.
  • Support scale-up and market expansion activities that bolster traditional areas of strength.

Eligible Costs


  • Labour: incremental salaries and benefits for individuals employed for the project may be eligible should they meet the following conditions:
    1. The recipient confirms that it is not economically feasible to tender a contract
    2. Costs are for those employed directly in respect of the work that would have been the subject of the contract, or
    3. Labour hired to work exclusively on the project (i.e., not existing employees of the recipient)
  • Expertise: incremental fees paid to professional, technical personnel, consultants, engineers or contractors.
  • Facility construction/renovation: these are costs typically associated with renovations, site improvements, leasehold improvements and related costs to support the outcomes of the project.
  • Equipment purchase/installation: the purchase and/or installation of equipment, machinery or software directly related to, or necessary for, the completion of the project.
  • Other direct project costs (indicate as required in the spaces provided).