Amount: non-refundable contribution that covers 50% of eligible expenses of maximum aid rate and cumulation of government assistance up to a maximum of $ 20,000 for the duration of the program.


The Industry 4.0 Audit program main goal is to encourage as many Quebec companies as possible to undertake the digital shift by carrying out a diagnostic and a digital plan, followed by a structured process aimed at selecting solutions and planning the management of change in link with prioritized digital projects.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Businesses from all sectors of activity are eligible, including cooperatives and social economy businesses.
  • The company wishing to apply for this program must have previously completed:
    • strategic planning defining its mission, vision and strategic and operational orientations;
    • DNA Self-Diagnosis 4.0.

Eligible Projects


  • Part 1 – Carrying out a diagnosis and a digital plan
  • Part 2 – Implementation plan (selection of solutions and planning of change management in connection with prioritized digital projects)