Amount: up to 50% of eligible costs to a maximum of $10 million per proposal


The Green Industrial Facilities and Manufacturing Program (GIFMP) provides cost-shared financial assistance to support the implementation of energy efficiency and energy management solutions designed to maximize energy performance, greenhouse gas emissions reductions, and competitiveness for industry in Canada.

GIFMP is now accepting proposals from industrial facilities under its “Track 2: Industrial Facility track”. The Industrial Facility track provides direct-to-industry support to help implement energy efficiency and energy management solutions within their respective facilities. Proposals can involve a single facility or multiple facilities.

Eligibility Requirements:

Eligible recipients are Canadian facilities in any industrial sector that are engaged in energy consuming processes that involve the physical or chemical transformation of materials or substances into new products, regardless of the size of the facilities.

There are five areas of activity for eligible projects:

  • training for energy management practitioners
  • energy assessments and audits
  • energy managers
  • energy management systems
  • capital investments

Industrial facilities are described as establishments located at existing sites with fixed equipment, buildings, or complexes for extraction, production, or manufacturing. These can be located across different operational areas such as plants, factories, mills, and mines within the same boundary that are operated in some integrated way.

Eligible recipients should be legal entities validly incorporated or registered in Canada including for-profit and not-for-profit organizations and Indigenous recipients of an eligible industrial sector.