Amount: provides 50% of the project cost up to $150,000.


The Digitalization Competence Centre (DCC) is Ontario’s knowledge centre focused on driving the digital modernization of Ontario SMEs by:

  • Supporting digital literacy through education, coaching and training to help SMEs understand the benefits of digital adoption and supporting them in the development of a Digital Modernization and Adoption Plan (DMAP) for their company
  • Accelerating digital adoption by providing SMEs with support to adopt new equipment and processes through the Technology Demonstration Program
  • Enhancing technological capacity in both companies and sectors that have the potential for further digitization
  • Supporting the commercialization of Made-in-Ontario technologies by connecting companies looking to adopt digital technologies with Ontario technology firms


Program Streams

DCC has two program streams to support SMEs in the adoption and implementation of digital technology.

1) Digital Modernization and Adoption Plan (DMAP)

The Digital Modernization and Adoption Plan (DMAP) program supports Ontario SMEs to better understand their organization’s technology needs, guide their digital transformation decision-making, and optimize their technology investments. Through this program, SMEs work with a Digital Adoption Consultant to generate a Digital Modernization and Adoption Plan tailored specifically to their organization’s digital needs.

Eligibility requirements

  • Be incorporated federally or provincially with a valid Business Number
  • Be a for-profit, privately owned business
  • Have between 1 – 499 full time equivalent employees
  • Have the capability to implement and internally sustain new technologies
  • Have a permanent establishment in Ontario

Eligible project expenses

DMAP project costs related to the development or improvement of a Digital Modernization and Adoption Plan:

  • Adoption Consultant (sub-contractor) fees if:
    • approved by OCI management prior to the start of the project and
    • if procured in accordance with the BPSAA Procurement Directive and
    • Digital Adoption Consultant is on the DCC roster of approved vendors.


2) Technology Demonstration Program (DCC Demo)

The Technology Demonstration Program (DCC Demo) is part of a broader Digitalization Competence Centre (DCC) initiative. The Technology Demonstration stream supports Ontario Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) that have completed a Digital Modernization and Adoption Plan (DMAP) project to adopt and implement the digital technology identified in their DMAP, accelerating growth of the SME whilst also supporting the commercialization of Ontario digital technologies.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Be incorporated federally or provincially with a valid Business Number
  • Be a for-profit, privately owned business
  • Have between 1 – 499 full time equivalent employees
  • Have the capability to implement and internally sustain new technologies
  • Have a permanent establishment in Ontario
  • Have completed a DMAP project
  • Have at least $500,000 of annual revenues in one of the previous three tax years

Eligible project expenses

  • Technology Demonstration Project costs related to the adoption of the digital technology outlined in the DMAP
  • Costs related to website search optimization, installation of a technology platform (including subscription fees/costs), back-office solutions to support a technology strategy, creation of customer databases, development of new technology
  • Costs of social media advertising
  • Salaries for technical staff directly related to the demo project and essential for the installation/integration of the digital technology (does not include benefits). This means one-time labour expenditures directly attributable to the development and implementation of the Project, including expenditures to set up/commission new equipment, technology or systems for the Project.
  • Upgrading existing technology site for added functionality (i.e. new plugins, or features);
  • Software (to track and manage product inventory, as well as fulfill and ship orders; to simplify marketing, track sales, market to customers, offer discounts, maintain a loyalty program; for product databases, cyber security software of certifications;
  • Hardware and accompanying software up to 20% of total grant amount


1) Digital Modernization and Adoption Plan (DMAP)

50% (maximum) of total eligible project costs, up to $15,000.

2) Technology Demonstration Program (DCC Demo)

50 % (maximum) of total eligible project costs, up to $150,000.

Eligibility Timeline

Applications for this fund are now being accepted on a rolling basis.

Review Timeline

OCI will internally review the application within approximately one week for eligibility, completeness and financial compliance. A list of any deficiencies will be sent to the applicant for revision.

Reimbursement Schedule

The applicant gets reimbursed at the end of the assessment and technology demonstration projects. The applicant must provide the OCI with the proof of payments of eligible expenses, the final report, and the copy of the digital assessment (for DMAP only).

Selection Criteria

1) Digital Modernization and Adoption Plan (DMAP)

Applications will be evaluated against assessment criteria including, but not limited to:
• Evaluation of digital maturity, where the DCC client is at in terms of digital advancement and current capabilities
• Clarity of the need for a digital modernization and adoption plan
• Significance of the opportunity, expected growth potential and economic benefit to the SME and Ontario (e.g., job creation/retention, new revenues, new customers, follow on investment and productivity increases)
• Capacity for and prioritization of investing in adoption of digital technologies
• Evidence of next steps, and clear strategy and capacity to bring the results and/or implement the plan
• Expertise and experience of the team members along with clarity of roles and responsibilities
• Clarity, feasibility and appropriateness of the project plan and budget
• Overall quality and completeness of the application Projects that are outside of the scope of the program may be referred to partner programs as appropriate.

2) Technology Demonstration Program (DCC Demo)

Applications will be evaluated against assessment criteria including, but not limited to:
• Evaluation of digital maturity, where the DCC client is at in terms of digital advancement and current capabilities
• Clarity of the need for digital modernization and adoption of new technology
• Capacity for and prioritization of investing in adoption of digital technologies DCC Technology Demonstration Program
• Significance of the opportunity, expected growth potential and economic benefit to the SME and Ontario (e.g., job creation/retention, new revenues, new customers, follow on investment, productivity improvements)
• Ability of the vendor’s dig it al solution to address the SME digital gaps
• Expertise and experience of the team members, clarity of roles and responsibilities and evidence of collaboration
• Vendors’ potential role and impact on accelerating growth and path to market
• Clarity, feasibility and appropriateness of the project plan and budget
• Overall quality and completeness of the application.

How to Start My Application

Start by verifying your eligibility through our eligibility check form.

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