Amount: up to $50,000 CanExport Marketing Grant


Objective of CanExport Program

CanExport Grant Funding Program provides government funding to small to medium-sized Canadian businesses for exporting their business marketing (digital including) and reimburses 50% of selected export marketing cost to a maximum of $50,000. CanExport Grant covers such export marketing costs as trade show and trade mission cost, digital and online advertising to the foreign customers, translation cost, cost of shipping samples, export market research and business planning and more. The main goal of the Program is to support those who export business in Canada.

Program’s Update

CanExport SMEs is accepting applications until May 31, 2024.

Additionally, feel free to explore the Business Benefits Finder tool to find other funding that helps Canadian businesses expand internationally.

Eligibility Criteria: CanExport Grant

  • Be a for-profit company;
  • Be an incorporated legal entity or a limited liability partnership (LLP);
  • Have a Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) business identifier number;
  • Have less than 500 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees;
  • Have between $100,000 and $100 million in annual revenue declared in Canada.
  • Must target up to 5 export markets where the applicant hasn’t exported or hasn’t substantially exported within the last 24 months. Substantially exported means that during the past 24 months the applicant made less than $20,000 in annual sales in the target market(s) or the annual sales in this market represent less than 10% of its total international sales for the same period.
  • All sectors except agriculture, food and beverages qualify for CanExport grant. Other industries qualify for AgriMarketing or Canadian Agricultural Partnership programs. Note: Export brokers in the agriculture and agri-food sector may be eligible to the program, provided they meet Canadian content requirements.

Participants of the TCTM to Malaysia and Vietnam, as well as GAC-led trade missions for businesses from diverse backgrounds, please note:

  • Funds are very limited at this point in the year, the program is competitive, and funding is not guaranteed; thus, the program strongly encourages early application.
    • Even if you have just applied to a mission, we encourage you to submit your CanExport application right away so that we can begin the assessment process. However, decisions on eligible applications will not be taken until your mission participation has been approved.
  • Proposals must demonstrate that activities can be completed by March 31, 2024 (the end of the government’s fiscal year).
  • For first-time applicants: please factor in the need to complete the basic eligibility process (that can take an additional 7 business days).
  • For applicants with an active CanExport SMEs project, please consult Section 9.3 of the Applicant’s Guide.
  • For applicants to both the Malaysia/Vietnam and South Korea TCTMs, you may apply for CanExport funding for both missions in the same application. For applicants to the South Korea TCTM only, we invite you to apply once the program reopens for new fiscal year projects (expected in February 2024).
  • CanExport SMEs’ delivery partner, the National Research Council Industrial Research Assistance Program, will be closed from December 22, 2023, until January 2, 2024. During this time, technical support for the online application system and basic eligibility assessments will be unavailable.
  • CanExport will process your application as soon as possible. However, depending on factors such as the volume of applications and when Global Affairs Canada confirms your mission participation, successful CanExport applicants may not receive their funding agreements until mid-February 2024 or later.

Eligible Cost under CanExport Grant

  • Applying for certification in international markets
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Digital and online advertising to foreign audiences
  • Business travel (post-pandemic)
    • Airfare & Ground transportation
    • Per diem up to $400
    • Visa fee
  • Participation at trade fairs, trade shows, conferences, trade missions, including virtual trade shows and conferences.
    • Booth cost
    • Trade show space/floor rental, design and construction services, etc.
    • Registration fees, trade show registration, seminar fees, including room fees, audio-visual equipment rental, etc.
    • Shipping and handling costs related to the participation
    • Trade show space/floor rental, design and construction services, etc.;
    • Registration fees, trade show registration, seminar fees, including room fees, audio-visual equipment rental, etc.;
    • Shipping and handling costs related to the participation
    • Translation & interpretation costs
  • Market research;
  • Adaptation of marketing tools for a new market; and
  • Legal fees associated with a distribution/representation agreement.

Amount of the Government Grant

CanExport SME provides funding on a cost-sharing basis with the recipient. The applicant may submit a maximum budget of $100,000the minimum budget is set at $20,000.

The program funds up to 50% of eligible costs for $10,000 to $50,000 in funding per project. The applicant is responsible for the remaining 50% (in-kind contributions are not permitted).

Note: The amount of funding granted may differ from the initial amount requested.

Program’s Budget and Funding Limits

CanExport SMEs identifies companies by their Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) business number:

  • Companies can only have one active project at any given time. Once a project is complete, you may reapply for funding including within the same year.
  • Companies can receive a maximum of $99,999 in funding per government fiscal year.
  • A group of related companies can receive a maximum of $200,000 in funding per government fiscal year. “Related companies” includes but is not limited to parent company and subsidiaries, sister companies and affiliates.

Failure to disclose pre-existing relationships and affiliations, can lead CanExport SMEs to terminate the grant or contribution agreement. This includes relationships and affiliations between the recipient and its consultants.

Selection Criteria

CanExport SMEs is a competitive program with limited funding. Program assesses all applications against the same merit criteria and score the application relative to:

  • project size
  • complexity
  • funding amount requested

Funding is awarded on a competitive basis for activities that will be most effective in achieving their international business development goals. A company’s resources and capacities are taken into account. Funding decisions are final and non-negotiable. Funding amounts awarded will not necessarily equal the amount requested.

How does Fair Grant Writing help with getting applied for CanExport Program?

We provide full support of your application including the following.

  • Identification of Target Export Market, Export Market Research and Entry Planning (through a sister company Win Global Partners)
  • Writing Application Package for CanExport Program;
  • Writing Reports to Global Affairs Canada and National Research Council, mandatory for small to medium-sized businesses approved for CanExport Program.

Examples of Approved Projects Funded by Global Affairs Canada through CanExport Grant


CanExport Program1. 4Deep in-water imaging has patented holographic technology to create powerful microscopes that enhance research and discovery. With the support of CanExport, the company is marketing and promoting their submersible microscope system in India to monitor water quality in lakes, rivers, and oceans. (Source)

2. KORITE is the world’s largest producer of gem-grade ammolite. The company’s mine is currently the world’s only legally known operating source of mined ammolite. In addition to mining the gem, the company’s sales, design, and production division sells fine jewelry around the world in more than 28 countries. KORITE ‘s initial market assessment found a potential for expansion in the China market. With the support of CanExport grant, they are looking to increase market awareness in the China market, specifically through strategic partnerships initiatives and industry trade shows. They have already successfully partnered with Mahasida Ammolite Jewelry to ensure the distribution of finished KORITE jewelry in China and further development of innovative product technology resources in the China market. (Source)


Reimbursement Rules of CanExport Program

The funding approved by CanExport Program is disbursed to the applicant upon submission and approval of the claims. The claims must be submitted either after the project completion or after March 31 of every year predeceasing the project end date, whichever comes first.

Review Timeline

CanExport SMEs commit to a funding decision within 60 business days.

Financial assistance can take the form of a contribution or grant.


How to Start My Application

Start by verifying your eligibility through our eligibility check form.