Amount: 100% of eligible costs up to a maximum of $25,000


Eligibility Criteria

  • Must be a manufacturer based in Southern Ontario per the census map or in British Columbia (Refer to Southern Ontario Service Area).
  • Must be an incorporated business (federally or provincially) for 2 years or more continuously.
  • Must demonstrate financial stability.
  • Must have greater than 15 and fewer than 500 FTE employees maximum in Southern Ontario.
  • Companies are not required to be a member of CME to be eligible.
  • Not receiving other contributions toward the activities contained in the funding application from other government funded programs, including but not limited to: University or College Funding programs, Export Funding programs, Other related government funding programs.

Applications will be evaluated based on their ability to meet the following criteria:

  • Technology improvements that aim to improve and modernize the manufacturing process, lead to increased productivity and competitiveness.
  • New additions that contribute to the economic and environmental benefits to Ontario or British Columbia, including benefits expected from the project and interactions with other segments of the Ontario or British Columbia economy.
  • Commitment to develop export markets, or be part of the value supply chain, or potential to become a strong global player on a regional or global basis.
  • Creation of long-term employment and high-value jobs.


Eligible Cost

  • Consulting fees (including travel) are eligible.
  • Entertainment and meals are not eligible costs.
  • All receipts for travel must be submitted with final claim. Any receipts that are not included will be removed from eligible costs.
  • CME reserves the right to remove any unreasonable costs.