Amount: Funding 75% up to a maximum of $75,000


Canadian Agricultural Partnership allows business to explore new approaches and adopt new practices. Eligible businesses can access cost-share funding to complete projects.

Eligible Businesses

The following businesses are eligible to apply for specified project categories:

  • Eligible processors.
  • Eligible new processor businesses.
  • Eligible brand or intellectual property owners.

Eligible businesses must also meet the criteria of the project category they are applying to, and:

  • Be in compliance with all Requirements of Law and agree to remain in compliance with all Requirements of Law for the duration of the project.
  • Have a valid and up-to-date Premises Identification (PID) Number* for the business location where the project is to take place (unless the business is an eligible new processor business that has not yet established a processing facility, or is an eligible brand or intellectual property owner).
  • Provide a Canada Revenue Agency Business Number as part of the application process, if applicable.

Eligible Processors

Eligible processors include processors of:

  1. Tobacco-based bio-pharmaceuticals or other bio-products;
  2. Health or nutrition supplements;
  3. Pet food products.

Eligible processors can apply for the following project categories:

Economic Development
Food Safety and Traceability
Plant Health
Animal Health

Eligible New Processor Businesses

Eligible new processor businesses (new entrants) meet the following criteria:

  • Constitute a legal person.
  • Are new to the food and agri-product processing industry, and have business projections that demonstrate potential annual gross business income of $30,000 or more within three years of applying.
  • File personal income taxes in Ontario.
  • Have not filed taxes of $30,000 or more in annual gross business revenue as a food or agri-product processing business in the two years prior to applying for funding.

New processor businesses (new entrants) may apply for the following project categories:

  • Evaluate Your Business Potential
  • Develop New Products
  • Market Products in Canada
  • Selling to Export Markets
  • Food Safety and Traceability Training
  • Food Safety and Traceability Gap Assessment and Pre-Audit
  • Education, Training, Assessment and Planning (Animal Health)
  • Education, Training, Assessment and Planning (Plant Health)

Eligible Brand or Intellectual Property Owners

Eligible brand or intellectual property owners do not meet the criteria for an eligible processor business, but do own an established brand or intellectual property directly related to agricultural commodities, foods, beverages or agri-based bioproducts. These businesses must also be located in Ontario and have an agreement or arrangement for the transformation of their products with processors in Ontario.

Eligible brand or intellectual property owners may apply for the following project categories:

  • Evaluate Your Business Potential
  • Develop New Products
  • Market Products in Canada
  • Selling to Export Markets

Eligible Projects

Applications are accepted now and until September 2, 2021.

Type of Project Funding Available Who is Eligible
Evaluate your business potential
Funding for 50 per cent up to $15,000 to plan for new business solutions
  • Processors manufacturing in a facility with 199 employees or less
  • New processor businesses
  • Brand/intellectual property owners
Food safety and traceability system improvements Funding for 50 per cent up to $75,000 for equipment, facility upgrades and more to improve food safety and traceability systems
  • Processors with 100 employees or less that manufacture food for human consumption
Food safety equipment Funding for 35 per cent up to $10,000 for equipment that will remove or reduce food safety risks and hazards
  • Processors with 100 employees or less that manufacture food for human consumption
Traceability equipment Funding for 35 per cent up to $10,000 for equipment to put in place or improve a traceability system
  • Processors with 100 employees or less that manufacture food for human consumption
Develop new products Funding for 50 per cent up to $50,000 for product development activities for new products
  • Processors manufacturing in a facility with 199 employees or less
  • New processor businesses
  • Brand/intellectual property owners
Market products in Canada Funding for 50 per cent up to $75,000 to market products for new market opportunities in Canada
  • Processors manufacturing in a facility with 199 employees or less
  • New processor businesses
  • Brand/intellectual property owners
Selling to export markets Funding for 75 per cent up to $75,000 to market products for new export market opportunities
  • Processors manufacturing in a facility with 199 employees or less
  • New processor businesses
  • Brand/intellectual property owners
Obtain audits, assessments and training for food safety, plant health or animal health Maximum funding and eligible activities are available here.
  • Processors
  • New processor businesses
Adopt best practices to enhance animal health or plant health Maximum funding and eligible activities are available here.
  • Processors

Phase 2 Project Categories

You can submit applications for these types of projects between September 27, 2021 and October 18, 2021.

Type of Project Funding Available Who is Eligible
Technology and Equipment to Improve Productivity 

Please note: These application forms are read only and not available for print until September 27, 2021 when Phase 2 opens.

Funding for 35 per cent up to $100,000 to adopt advanced manufacturing technology
  • Processors manufacturing in a facility with 199 employees or less