Amount: 20% of eligible costs up to a maximum of $300,000 in funding.


The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) administers cost-share funding to agri-food processors. The purpose of the Initiative is to support competitiveness, profitability, growth and long-term sustainability of Processors by implementing technologies and processes to increase energy efficiency in their operations.

Eligible Activities

The following activities are eligible under the Initiative:

  • purchase or modification of equipment and technology that improve energy efficiency
  • purchase or modification of water use equipment and technology that improve energy efficiency
  • purchase of energy monitoring controls and equipment and technology
  • building envelope energy efficiency improvements including renewable energy, lighting, ventilation, heating, refrigeration, water heating and cooling

Eligible Costs

The following costs are eligible for the purposes of the Initiative, provided they were reasonably incurred and necessary to complete the Recipient’s Project:

  • costs that were incurred after the Ministry approved the Project but before March 31, 2025
  • costs that reflect the actual costs to the Recipient, less any costs, including taxes, for which the Recipient has received, will receive or is eligible to receive, a rebate, credit or refund
  • equipment costs related to the purchase and installation of new or used/refurbished equipment, parts, components and/or technology that improve energy efficiency (if purchases of the used equipment are made directly from an Original Equipment Manufacturer)
  • water equipment costs related to the purchase, installation or modification of water use equipment and technology that improve energy efficiency
  • facility improvements related to building energy efficiency improvements (such as lighting, ventilation, heating, refrigeration)

Eligible Criteria

To be eligible to participate in the Initiative, an Applicant will meet the following requirements:

  • provide its CRA BN, or SIN (only if the Applicant has been found eligible to participate in the Initiative and is also eligible to receive an Initiative Payment)
  • submit a completed Ministry-approved Application Form to the Ministry
  • have a valid and up to date Premises ID Number for the business location(s) where the Project is to take place.
  • be in compliance with the following for its business operations at the time of applying to the Initiative:
    • environmental-related Requirements Of Law
    • labour-related Requirements Of Law
    • tax-related Requirements Of Law, and
    • material compliance with all other Requirements Of Law