We’re happy to inform you that CanExport Grant Funding Program is opening its intake on February 29, 2024.
CanExport Marketing Grant provides government funding to small and medium-sized Canadian businesses for exporting their business marketing (digital including) and reimburses 50% of selected export marketing cost to a maximum of $50K.
Eligible Costs
- Applying for certification in international markets
- Search Engine Optimization
- Digital and online advertising to foreign audiences
- Business travel (airfare & ground transportation; per diem up to $400; visa fee)
- Participation at trade fairs, trade shows, conferences, trade missions, including virtual trade shows and conferences
- Booth cost
- Trade show space/floor rental, design and construction services, etc.
- Registration fees, trade show registration, seminar fees, including room fees, audio-visual equipment rental, etc.
- Shipping and handling costs related to the participation
- Translation & interpretation costs
- Market research;
- Adaptation of marketing tools for a new market; and
- Legal fees associated with a distribution/representation agreement.
Eligible requirements
- Be a for-profit company;
- Be an incorporated legal entity or a limited liability partnership (LLP);
- Have a Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) business identifier number;
- Have less than 500 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees;
- Must target up to 5 export markets where the applicant hasn’t exported or hasn’t substantially exported within the last 24 months.
- All sectors except agriculture, food and beverages qualify for CanExport grant. Other industries qualify for AgriMarketing or Canadian Agricultural Partnership programs.