Alberta may become the first Canadian province to accept Canada Job Grant applications as early as September 2014. Its Government has just published the information about Canada Job Grant, frequently asked questions and the text of the provincial Job Fund Agreement with the Federal Government. Since Canada Job Grant is a federal initiative, the program will be similar from coast to coast. Here is what you need to know about the program.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Must be for-profit business of any size and industry OR non-profit organization acting on behalf of employers (e.g. industry association, union)
  • Must have a job vacancy
  • Must have a current employee or candidate to fill the vacancy
  • Current employee or Candidate must complete the training in order to fill the vacancy OR
  • Current employee must complete the training to improve existing or obtain new skills
  • Current employee or Candidate must be Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or protected person under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) entitled to work in Canada. Temporary workers are not eligible.

Eligible Cost:

  • Training (tuition) fees for the skills training that:
    • Is more than 25 hours in length
    • Is delivered by an outside training service provider or institution
    • Does not replace or replicate prior training
    • Completed within 52 weeks of the approval date
    • Results in some sort of credential (record of completion, certificate, grade, etc.)
  • Books & training supplies/materials
  • Examination fees
  • Other mandatory training fees, if applicable
  • It is up to employer to select the training institution or educational service provider as long as the one provides a certificate or a record of the completion of the training.


  • The program provides 2/3 of the training cost up to a maximum of $10,000 per trainee.
  • The maximum amount that one company can get per year is $300,000.

Contribution Schedule:

  • 1/3 of the eligible cost is reimbursed after the employer paid for the training and submitted a claim
  • 1/3 of the eligible cost is reimbursed after the training is completed and the employer submitted a claim
  • Remaining 1/3 of eligible cost is employer’s share.

Application Timeline:

  • The intake is expected to start as early as September 2014 and will be ongoing until fiscal year 2017/2018 or as long as the funding is available.

Where to Apply:

Questions? Need Help To Apply?

Call us at (647) 800-5006 or contact at
We are located in Ontario and love working with clients from other Canadian provinces.