Amount: up to a maximum of $250,000 per project.

Goal of the program

Delivered by Canada’s regional development agencies (RDAs), the Tourism Growth Program (TGP) provides $108 million over 3 years to support communities, small- and medium-sized businesses and not-for-profit organizations in developing local tourism products and experiences.

The RDAs will work in collaboration with provincial and territorial governments and tourism partners to ensure the program is complementary to other supports for the tourism industry, helps to diversify regional economies and contributes to Canada’s economic growth.

Eligible Requirements: Applicants

Eligible applicants include:

  • incorporated small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in the tourism industry
  • Indigenous-owned businesses (including Indigenous sole proprietors) or Indigenous tourism organizations
  • not-for-profit organizations (including tourism associations and economic development organizations)
  • governments (municipal/provincial/territorial and related entities).

Eligible costs

The TGP supports communities, small- and medium-sized businesses and not-for-profit organizations to grow and develop local tourism projects that will position Canada as a destination of choice for domestic and international travellers.

If you are a tourism business, examples of supportable activities could include:

  • improving/creating new or innovative tourism offerings or products
  • investing in digitization or technology integration to enhance productivity, sustainability, efficiency and/or competitiveness
  • developing and delivering new products, services or experiences to increase tourism activity outside of the traditional high season or to extend services year-round
  • enhancing accessibility, creating a welcoming environment for diverse clientele

If you are a not-for-profit tourism organization, examples of supportable activities could include:

  • developing/implementing long-term tourism plans, based on research and market analysis
  • improving local assets, facilities, and/or planning for key active outdoor tourism experiences (e.g., projects that provide more opportunities for physically active tourism offerings)
  • facilitating the growth of off-season tourism (e.g., promoting tourism products, services and experiences outside of the traditional high-season, supporting the expansion of seasonal tourism to year-round service)
  • supporting the delivery of local community festivals and events that attract tourists to a destination
  • developing/increasing capacity for tourism businesses to provide inclusive tourism experiences.

Amount of the Government Grant

Applicants can request up to a maximum of $250,000 per project. Exceptions may apply.

For business, funding is normally offered in the form of a fully repayable, interest-free contribution. For Non-For-Profit Organizations, funding is normally offered in the form of a non-repayable contribution.

Eligibility Timeline

For current intake, applications are being accepted from November 20, 2023, to February 29, 2024, 8:59 pm ET.

Project start and end dates may vary by project but cannot begin prior to March 29, 2023, and must be completed by no later than March 31, 2026.

Priority may be given to projects where activities and funding take place between November 20, 2023, and March 31, 2024.

Review Timeline

You will be expected to sign a contribution agreement within 30 days of being notified and have confirmed all sources of the matching funding prior to this date (e.g., bank statements, term sheets, letters of conditional funding, other government funding).

Reimbursement Schedule

Funding will be reimbursed based on approved costs incurred and claimed throughout the project’s duration.

Should your project be approved, repayment will normally begin 1 year after the completion of the project.

Program’s Budget

The Tourism Growth Program (TGP) provides $108 million over 3 years to support communities, small- and medium-sized businesses and not-for-profit organizations in developing local tourism products and experiences.

Selection Criteria

Complete applications are reviewed and assessed based on multiple criteria, including:

In addition to the quality of your application, FedDev Ontario reserves the right to base funding decisions on the geographic breadth, representation and diversity of its projects.

Applicants will also be assessed for their compliance with applicable legislation and regulatory requirements/permit requirements. Refer to the Application Guide (For-Profit Applicants) or the Application Guide (Not-for-Profit Applicants) for more details.

Funding Priorities

We may prioritize funding to projects that focus on one or more of the following program priorities:

  • supporting the Indigenous tourism industry
  • increasing tourism benefits for communities by driving visitation from urban areas to rural areas
  • supporting economic, environmental and cultural sustainability
  • supporting active outdoor experiences (e.g., projects that provide more opportunities for physically active tourism offerings such as rock-climbing, trails, watersports, etc.)
  • extending the tourism season (e.g., projects that promote and/or develop product, services or experiences with an aim of increasing tourism activity outside the traditional high season or extending their services year-round)
  • complement support provided through provincial programs

How to Start My Application

Start by verifying your eligibility through our eligibility check form.

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