The SMART Green Program goes through the positive changes that may help your business to qualify. Launched in October 2016, the program was designed to help manufacturers buy equipment that reduces their energy use and greenhouse gas emission. Since then the program didn’t get a lot of traction and did not see many applicants.

These are the upcoming changes that should be in place after Canada Day, subject to Ontario government approval.

  • Eligibility rules won’t change, any manufacturer with 10 or more employees across Ontario is eligible.
  • The program will lower mandatory target greenhouse gas emission reduction to make more projects eligible.
  • The program will now fund 100% of eligible assessment costs up to a certain maximum (depending on the type of assessment).
  • Best part: the maximum amount of funding will be $500,000 for the applicants with one facility and $1,500,000 for the applicants with multiple facilities.

So, if you are looking to buy equipment that will reduce the use of gas or electricity or result in a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, do let us know to make sure that someone won’t take your piece of the pie.



Igor Chigrin

Business Funding Expert |
647.800.5006 office 
You get government financing or our writing is complimentary 
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