Amount: up to $20,000 per trainee, with maximum of $300,000 per fiscal year

The B.C. Employer Training Grant program (ETG) supports skills training to address provincial labor market shortages. Reimbursement amounts vary between 60% and 100% depending on the training stream. Employers are eligible to receive up to $300,000 per fiscal year (April 1 – March 31).

Eligibility Criteria: British Columbia Employer Training Grant program (ETG)

Eligible employers or organizations acting on behalf of employers can apply to six streams of funding:

1. C19 Impacted Worker Training Stream

This stream supports British Columbians that are employed or have been employed in a sector where job opportunities have been most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Impacted sectors include:

  1. Accommodation and food services
  2. Wholesale and retail trade
  3. Construction
  4. Information, culture and recreation
  5. Business, building and other support services
  6. Transportation and warehousing
  7. Manufacturing
  8. Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing
  9. Educational services
  10. Other services (except public administration)

Employers may receive 100 percent of eligible training costs, up to a maximum of $10,000 per participant.

2. Workforce Training Stream

This stream supports soft skills development or other training that aligns with an employer’s business needs and the needs of the participant’s job. Applications approved under this stream will receive 60 percent of eligible training costs, up to a maximum of $5,000 per participant.

3. Technical Training Stream

This stream supports employers to train current or new employees in technical skills in response to automation and other technological advancements. Applications approved under this stream may receive 80 percent of eligible training costs, up to a maximum of $10,000 per participant.

4. Foundational Training Stream

This stream supports unemployed and low-skilled British Columbians to gain the essential, transferable and certified skills to increase their job security and obtain good-paying jobs. At the time of application participants must be unemployed, or employed by the applicant and one of the following:

  • Low-skilled
  • Working in a low-skilled occupation
  • Working as an apprentice

Employers approved under this stream may receive 100 percent of eligible training costs, up to a maximum of $10,000 per participant.

5. Employment Transition Training Stream

This stream supports British Columbians that have been impacted by mill closures or curtailments in B.C. Employers may receive 100 percent of eligible training costs, financial supports and training allowances for participants while in training, up to a maximum of $20,000 per participant.

6. Persons with Disabilities Training Stream

This stream supports training for British Columbians that are designated Persons with Disabilities (PWDs). Employers may receive 100 percent of eligible training costs, financial supports and training allowances for participants while in training, up to a maximum of $20,000 per participant.


Eligible Cost: British Columbia Employer Training Grant program (ETG)

  • Tuition fees or instructional fees charged by the training provider
  • Mandatory student fees
  • Examination fees
  • Textbooks and software
  • Other required materials and supplies directly related to the training course

Our Focus:

  • Writing Application for British Columbia Employer Training Grant program (ETG)
  • Writing Trainee Registration Forms
  • Assisting in Report Writing

Examples of Projects Approved by British Columbia Employer Training Grant program (ETG):

Canada-British Columbia Job Grant (Canada-B.C. Job Grant)The list of the companies approved by British Columbia Employer Training Grant program (ETG) is not publicly available. Stay tuned for the updates.