Amount: non-refundable contribution of up to 40% of eligible project expenses, up to a maximum of $ 100,000 per project, with the exception of equipment manufacturers and processors in the aluminum, for which the maximum can reach $ 250,000 per project.


This component aims to support the carrying out of studies prior to the realization of investment projects in Quebec, by businesses in Quebec or elsewhere, with a view to increasing competitiveness and productivity, and creating new businesses jobs and sustainable development.

Eligibility Criteria

For-profit enterprises, cooperatives and social economy enterprises with market activities in the following sectors of activity:

  • manufacturer;
  • engine service sector, which brings together companies with high added value that contribute significantly to the production of goods or use new technologies. The targeted companies are generally active in the following sectors:
    • information and communications technologies;
    • environmental services;
    • creation and industrial design services;
    • industrial laboratories and scientific services;
    • private research services;
    • value-added distribution centers.

Excluded are all other sectors of activity and companies majority owned by a Crown corporation.

Eligible Projects

  • Carrying out feasibility studies to analyze or assess the technical or economic parameters of business establishment, modernization or expansion projects, in order to support decision-making to invest in Quebec in the short term.
  • Eligible projects are:
    • market analyzes;
    • process or technology assessments and rights of use;
    • site selection analyzes;
    • analyzes related to the regulatory and legal framework.
  • The project implementation period cannot exceed a maximum and continuous period of twelve months.

Eligible Expenses

The following expenses are eligible from the date of filing the application for financial assistance:

  • fees for services provided by outside consulting firms;
  • costs related to the purchase of specialized, relevant and necessary information for the realization of the project. It can be statistics and market analysis.