I hope you are staying productive this summer and remembering to enjoy the gorgeous weather over the weekend. Meanwhile, our team is working hard to keep you up to date with the government funding programs that are coming out. This week we want to share with you the Rural Innovation Initiative Eastern Ontario (RIIEO) – Regional StreamProgram.
The purpose of the program is to support projects that accelerate the growth of SMEs on the innovation track, with benefits to multiple communities within Eastern Ontario.
Projects will demonstrate sustainability, drive prosperity and job creation, sustainability through innovation, research and development, commercialization, and business practices that work to position the region for global competitiveness, export markets, and economic diversification.
Selected projects will be eligible for a non-repayable performance-based contribution and require a minimum 50 percent cash contribution by the recipient on eligible expenses net of HST. The minimum project size for an Eastern Ontario Innovation Initiative regional stream project is $200,000 resulting in a minimum contribution of $100,000 by the recipient.
The combined Stream total support to for-profit recipients will not exceed $100,000.
The program is already accepting applications with all projects through 15 Eastern Ontario counties being targeted for completion by December 31st, 2020.
Check eligibility of your company and your project for the government funding by submitting eligibility check form.